
Fire to Freedom Ministries

Prophetic Ministry of Seer Prophet Lori (Warren) Merschdorf

About me

I was saved on "Emancipation Day" June 19, 1993 and my life was transformed from that moment. 

Having been an atheist for years and having been involved in witchcraft most of my life, until that point, I didn't know how much I needed help. I was able to come to know the Lord on that day of salvation and my life was filled with a peace I had never known.


Since that time the Lord has shown me some awesome things. The supernatural realm is where He is and it is my desire to help each one of you to become a part of that realm while here on this earth. The blinders, that evil tries to keep on us so that we cannot see in the spirit, have to come off just as they did when Jesus called Saul to be Paul. He had a radical transformation and the love of the Lord Jesus moved him forward in his calling. 


Ministries that the Lord has used me in are children's minister, head of intercessory groups, healing ministry, deliverance ministry, prophet, seer, and dream interpreter, counseling and teaching.  I have ministered to thousands of people via online ministry and in churches.


The Lord also uses me to call forth the dormant gifts within anybody who does not know what that gifting is. It is my desire to assist you with your calling as well. He says in His Word that these gifts are without revoke and He makes room for those gifts. So, be encouraged in all that you do for Him, and where you are going will be miraculous!

Rev. Lori (Warren) Merschdorf

Seer Prophet/Dream Interpreter