
Fire to Freedom Ministries

Prophetic Ministry of Seer Prophet Lori (Warren) Merschdorf

Hello Ms Warren

I want to thank and bless you for this word. It is a confirmation of what God has told me in the past, an accurate description of how I feel, an edifying and encouraging word straight from the throne room. 

Be blessed!!!

Armelle G

Dear Prophetess,
I am more than convinced that God actually spoke through you. I was deliberately vague in my request (not giving much away) and behold those words were right on target and clarified a few issues for me. I thank God for your life and that of Pastor Kent and pray that HIS  presence will continually abide with and guide you. I hope to be able to show my thanks and appreciation tangibly some day. 

I hope you are also on stand-by with me when we get to the "fork in the road ahead" period such that I can astutely follow his direction.

Once again, thanks a lot and I sure appreciate you in many more ways than words could express.

Best regards,

Thanks Prophetess Lori Warren, I thank God for this wonderful word. I have longed to know the will of God for my life, and I believe God will open a wonderful door for me soon. God bless you.


Lori S.D.

Wow, Lori...this is spot on! I am now a "table leader" for a Bible study with about 10 ladies...a total of 100 that meet weekly. I've been doing this for about 4 years. Years ago, I felt a calling to be one that prays for healing for others but it seemed to be sidelined for a while. When I felt this calling to be one who prays for healing, I had a dream. I was driving an ambulance and I was traveling between heaven and earth. I took this as a confirmation of my anointing. Also, have felt, lately, Holy Spirit giving me a desire to teach but feel very inadequate in this area. But I do understand that God uses our weakness and will enable me to walk out His gifting as I walk out in faith. So, yes, Holy Spirit confirmed for me an exciting next phase of my life. Praising God...and thank you for listening on my behalf.

Ashley G.

thank you so much. This really hit home for me and is so true.

Michael Shelton

Praise God Prophetess Lori!!! This is confirmation as too the mandate that God has given me. Thank you for seeking the LORD on my behalf!!!

Hi Lori
I haven't met you, but I am part of  a group of Intercessors...I just want to thank you for your beautiful prayer for Kelly's friend, Debbie and her family.  I just want to tell you:
We have friend's that are going through a similar situation, so I called them last night to share the prayer that your wrote-and it really helped them!  You encouraged someone you didn't even know about--by your prayer!  This is getting exciting!  As I read it over the phone, I could hardly breathe-the power of God was so strong!  Thank you for what you did; the blessing of the Lord is on that prayer-and on you!  God bless you!
May the Lord encourage you and strengthen you today!

Beth L-this prophetic prophecy word is true accurate as I believe with receiveing this as I decree with declaren as I ask our heavenly father son holy Ghost to breathe on me & this prophetic prophecy word all in God's glory amen

Ohhhhh my God!!! Lord I thank you and I receive everything. Everything that I'm going through is work related. My boss curses me, calls me names, wanted to fire me but the vice president did not allow it to happen. He's demoted me, took away my Christmas bonus but to God be all glory. You have truly heard from God... omg this is unbelievable!! 


Yes it is hard but your prophecy motivated and encouraged me to go on. You can share it. Let the world see and know that we serve an awesome God.


Best Regards,

Dear Lori,


What a rich blessing indeed to hear these beautiful words from the Father , for me. Thank you Lori for confirming what the Lord is doing and is going to do! 


 I know that soon He will be bringing me out of my present job into full time ministry! Exciting times ahead! 


Thank you for your time before the Lord for me.

God Bless


Hi Lori, not sure if you remember me but a year in a half ago you told me that the Lord was going to move my husband completely out of my life because he is a Muslim and wouldn't get his heart right with God. Well the lord did. My ex husband filed for divorce back in November our divorce was final.


Melanie S.

Dear Prophetess,
I am more than convinced that God actually spoke through you. I was deliberately vague in my request (not giving much away) and behold those words were right on target and clarified a few issues for me. I thank God for your life and that of Pastor Kent and pray that HIS  presence will continually abide with and guide you. I hope to be able to show my thanks and appreciation tangibly some day. 

I hope you are also on stand-by with me when we get to the "fork in the road ahead" period such that I can astutely follow his direction.

Once again, thanks a lot and I sure appreciate you in many more ways than words could express.

Best regards,

God bless you ma'am,


I feel enormously comforted and encouraged; God bless you. May God strengthen you and  your ministry and richly bless you just like you have blessed me with the life you have surrendered to Christ. Thank you so much. I submit everything to Christ and may His will for me be done. May HE reward you in a way only HE can. Thank you so much.



Blessings Lori,


Sorry it took a while to write back and to thank you for taking the time to write out this word for me, I've really appreciated it :)


At the time I was going through alot and had lots of pain...since the word I have received much deliverance from the Lord and much healing in my soul. Just reading this word over again has been such a blessing to me since I've been healed up....Since the attack, I understand more how the enemy works and am passionate to see others get the healing they need.


Also, yes I was asking myself is this real???  In terms of the future husband, I believe the Lord has not kept him from me (meaning knowing who he is) and just know and trust in the right timing of God that everything will come forth as planned by the Father... I will def. keep you up to date. And yes, I was asking myself is this real???


Smiles & Love,.... and thank you again for this word from the Lord!

