Welcome To My Website
I am pleased to have you find me on the great wide web! My heart is to help others find out who they are in the Lord. To be able to help you find out what your ministry gift is and to speak prophetically into your life.
I hope you take the time to look at what is offered for your help and to see that the Lord is hoping for you to find your place in His kingdom!
Sherry Berri Ministries cO-host
Message is "The Five Talents"
Hello, Prophetess Lori, I pray all is well in your world. I went to visit your site, just because, and saw your lesson about Talents. I simply wanted to say that appreciate that message. As much a many pastors preach about that scripture, I do not think I have heard anyone even break down the history to understand how much 1 talent was. I've heard them say it was money, but you brought it form a different perspective and I appreciate it. Not do I know your story, to discover you were once an atheist, wow, what a testimony! I love the fact that you never forgot where you came from and because of that you are always at an advantage to speak to people, because of your humility, because you have not forgotten and can always walk in a lane of understanding when speaking to or pouring into naysayers. I pray the lord continues to keep and protect you and your family as you serve him with diligence.
Lauren D Armour
Prophetic Training
Beginning the year, March 11, 2024, I began training in the prophetic gifts. If you are interested in this type of ministry use the Contact form on this website and let us know.
I have been in the prophetic for over 30 years so I am well trained and seasoned in it. It will be an honor to help you as well!
You will find that I have different prophetic counseling packages to help you. I also offer you a prophetic word of the Lord and/or one hour of prophetic counseling and prayer via phone. Prayer and dream interpretations is something else I can offer so that the Lord will help you should you be a dreamer.